Bali is a province, one of 27 provinces in Indonesia, with an about area of 2.174 square miles (5.650 sq km). The province of Bali is led by elected governor. For the governor mental administration purpose the island is divided into 8 Kabupaten (regencies) are Badung, Bangli, Buleleng, Gianyar, Jembrana, Karangasem, Klungkung and Tabanan, and one municipality, the Kotamadya of Denpasar. Each Kabupaten is headed by a Bupati ( Regent ), while the municipality of Denpasar is led by a Walikota ( mayor )
Every Regencies and the Kotamadya, consists of several Kecamatan (Bali: 612 administrative villages), with an elected chief of administrative village (Perbekel ) in every village to manage the governmental administration. Besides the Perbekel , there are several traditional villages ( 1.304 traditional villages ) led by traditional chief of village, the Bendesa adat, who are responsible for the traditional and religious affaire in every desa adapt, the tradition al village. Usually a desa adat has a smaller area than the desa administrative, which means there are several desa adat in a desa administrative.
Every Regencies and the Kotamadya, consists of several Kecamatan (Bali: 612 administrative villages), with an elected chief of administrative village (Perbekel ) in every village to manage the governmental administration. Besides the Perbekel , there are several traditional villages ( 1.304 traditional villages ) led by traditional chief of village, the Bendesa adat, who are responsible for the traditional and religious affaire in every desa adapt, the tradition al village. Usually a desa adat has a smaller area than the desa administrative, which means there are several desa adat in a desa administrative.
The smallest society is a Banjar , the Association of a number of families, with its various sub-associations ( women association, youth club, squirrel hunters group, dance group, etc ). A Banjar is led by its two elected chiefs, the Kelian Dinas who assist the Perbekel and the traditional chief Kelian Adat who assists the Bendesa Adat ( Bali : 2.941 Banjar/Dusun ). The condition and the progress of a Banjar’s member could be easily indicated by the condition of its public hall ( Balai Banjar ), and its Alarm – drums tower ( Bale Kulkul ).
According to the files in the office of statistics, the population in 1980 has reached a number of approx 2.475.000. Most are native Balinese. Only about 15% of tem are inhabitants from other parts of Indonesia are Hindus, only a small number of them are Moslem or Christians or Buddhists or the new comers are Moslem or Christians or Confucians or Buddhist. Thought differing in race, customs and religion, they have to live of them in harmony.